Sunday, March 31, 2013


This week is going to be a busy one, complete with lots of "to do's" for work, the start of an online interior styling class that I signed up for (which I'm *really* stoked about), and, at the end of the week, I'm attending Memphis Fashion Week which will feature two outfits that I designed for their Emerging Memphis Designers Program (EMDP)!!! Crazy!

I'm equally excited and nervous about the weekend.  When I entered the contest I had no expectations of actually getting in, so, needless to say, after being chosen as a participant in the EMDP, I was totally inspired to get to work!  The experience of designing an outfit, and then slowly bringing it to life from scratch has been an awesome experience and one that has reinvigorated the itch to design and create from start to finish.  Hopefully my wardrobe is going to see a lot more home-sewn-loving in the future!  

Here are the two designs that I, with the help of my amazing mom and a seamstress, and the support and encouragement of my husband, brought to fruition and "runway ready" for this Friday. 

 The first outfit fitted by a model before alterations (above); the second outfit (almost completely finished of alterations) worn on a body form for the RSVP photo shoot featuring Memphis Fashion Week.

What do you think? ...

Wish me luck!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Unravel patiently...

To tie up this loose end, here's my work from my MAT show.  Dots proved to be an extremely cathartic experience (much needed!), after handing in my panic-inducing thesis.  I need to revisit that giant, messy method of dotting again...

Unravel, patiently
Pen and ink with watercolor

Friday, March 29, 2013

Take this waltz...

The Noodle Doodle and I...

So, I missed blogging.  I blogged pretty regularly for a handful of years and then took a hiatus due to an extremely hectic schedule and a sense that I had no real reason or motivation to blog.  However, I've missed it, and with it, the motivation that it gave me with personal goals and grand amounts of addicting anticipation I constructed for myself with and for various projects.  It also provided me a space to file memories made.  

I'm going to start fresh.  It might take a little while to get a routine going again, so be patient with me.

My goals for this blog are simple: Be myself. 

Stay tuned :)