Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Dog Days of Summer...


The first month of my internship *flew* by and is almost over, and then on to September.  Time feels extremely warped here.  As the weekdays fly by, you begin to realize that you've gotten so behind on posting and telling friends and loved one's about ALL of the incredible experiences and adventures you're having, you don't post enough to Facebook, you're behind on laundry (this is nothing new, though), and you haven't mailed out all of those letters that you thought you would.  Oh yeah, and all of that reading you thought you would get done --- ha, that's funny... that hasn't happened yet either.  But so many other things have, and I'm going to try my hardest to keep up so that you all can follow along!

Here's a sneak peek into some of the "family fun" happening at Vegan House (one of the two intern houses).  Pizza night with homemade banana and peanut butter ice cream topped with crumbled nutter butter bars (Keebler makes as awesome vegan version) as a topper for dessert!

Top row (from left to right): Puppy (or Poppy as we call her for now), Shelly, and Amy
Bottom: Hazel and I

It has been extremely difficult posting here.  The internet is extremely fickle and our phone service is spotty as well, which makes surfing the web a bit treacherous at times.  Streaming anything, like Skype or Youtube uses up the internet for anyone else who wants to access it.  On top of that, our jobs are so physically demanding that we come home after work, eat like starving maniacs, stay up for as long as we can manage, talking, and then we go to bed early and pass out so that we can do it again in the morning.  Yoga and then sleep is goooooood.

So, enough of the excuses, I just wanted to explain.

There are so many things I want to write about here and I'm trying to make sure that they all get posted.  In the spirit of getting things done, I've written a list of upcoming subjects I'd like to cover, but I'd also appreciate some feedback from you as well...

List of Things to Catch up on...

1. I'd like to fill you in on what I do work-wise on a daily basis
2. Portraits and stories of some of the animals here at the farm
3. Interesting conversations that come up at Vegan House
4. Discussions from Ed. Lunches (educational lunches on Wed.)
5. Places we visit such as Ithaca, Watkins Glen, and nearby hiking
6. The ups and downs of living without a car in the country and what you do in your spare time
7. Pictures... lots and lots of pictures... they're coming, I promise
8. Vegan ice cream... DELICIOUS VEGAN ICE CREAM!!!
9. Movies or music I'm seeing or listening to here
10. A List of things I want to accomplish and do before my time here comes to an end

As I said, I would love to read your comments or opinions on some other ideas that I've had for posts as well.  How do you all feel about these ideas...

1. Adventures in the kitchen and vegan recipes -- I say adventures here because I am still very, very much a novice
2. Different things I am learning as a new vegan
3. Portraits of vegans... I really like this idea, so I'd love to hear what you think...  
There are so many awesome people here who truly live their lives in line with their values.  Everyone is completely different, but everyone shares the same mission of creating a less violent world where the abuse, slaughtering, and neglect of non-human animals slowly becomes a thing of the past. I thought I might do a series where I take a portrait of some of the folks here (if they're game) and ask them a few questions about themselves.  Some of the questions would pertain to their veganism, and some of them would simply be about them as an individual.  There's this stereotype that vegans are radical and weird, but everyone here is so beautifully enthusiastic about what they do and who they are.  They are, in my opinion, anything but weird.  They are all fantastic people who are working SO hard to make the world into a better place that I would love to share some of their stories.  

What do you think?  Also, if you have any questions, or ideas that you yourself are interested, you can leave a comment below or email me... I'd love to hear from you!

Hope you're doing well and enjoying the last hot stretch of summer!

1 comment:

John Carr said...

Tree hugger...