Monday, May 05, 2014

Worst blogger ever, just poppin' up to say hey!

Well, hello there!

Hello to anyone who may still be checkin into my blog here and there... thank you for stickin' around.  I've been struggling lately-- emotionally (feeling lost and without purpose)-- and I was perusing ye ole' blog and realized that I was really happy when I was keeping up with what I'm doing, writing about it, and having a resource to archive and share my experiences.  I have a terrible short term memory and blogging helps me to realize that, even if it seems like I'm moving slowly right now, there is progress being made with the projects/goals that I have begun.  Blogging, though I'm not very good at doing it consistently (hopefully I will remedy that) helps to keep me motivated, organized, and excited about what I'm doing.  So, I'm writing again.  This is going to be a long, catch-up post.

I pretty much left off after having left the farm, so let me catch you up real quick...

The farm...  such a heavenly place...

I couldn't exactly transplant Joey and the ladies to Watkins Glen, NY with no opportunity for a job there, however, I can't promise that I didn't seriously consider chaining Joey to a barn when he came up to visit in September.  Nevertheless, I was happy to get home to he and my ladies at the end of October.  It was extremely bittersweet, leaving an experience that you never thought that you would have, but somehow got lucky enough to work in.  The farm, the animals, and the people are constantly in my thoughts.

Coming home has been overwhelming, but it has been good.

While I was away, Joey was kicking ass staying busy with his creative pursuits and I couldn't be more proud of him.  Seeing how incredibly happy he has been with a busy, creative, and productive schedule has me overjoyed to see him so lit up, and creatively energized and motivated for the first time in years.  Simply put, it is fantastic.

Working on the play, Sunset Limited with his friend, and the director of the play, Chad.

Playing a small bit as Charlie Chaplin in one of the movies he and his friends have been working on.

AD'ing the hell out of "Lights, Camera, Bullshit"...

... and acting in 3 of the 5 pieces in the cylce of short plays in, "Claws".  His performance is SO badass.

For myself, coming home has been difficult.  The hard confession to make is that I always thought that I would have moved out of the city by now and, sometimes in my mind, that's where I feel I should be; in another city.  I'm always greedy for new life experiences.  However, Memphis is my home, and I never feel ungrateful to be here and I never get tired of what the city has to offer, as well as it's potential for the city that it can, and what I believe, will become.  I want to be a part of my Memphis as it grows, but it's been difficult figuring out how and where I can fit in to do that while still pursing my passions and interests and keeping a sane routine.  It's a tall order, I know.

So, for now, I'm working that out...  slowly...

I've been working at Imagine Vegan Cafe since November and I absolutely love my coworkers, the customers, and the conversations that ignite on a daily basis there.  Here, I feel like so much more than a waitress; I feel like a resource, a cheerleader, and a friend to so many people who come to the restaurant, and they return that knowledge, support, and friendship to me as well.

In June I will be teaching 3 classes that I have designed at Memphis College of Art's Summer Camp:

  • One is based around people, Art for Us, and will cover our relationships with our fellow humans and how we can live compassionately with and towards one another to strive for better relationships, tolerance, and understanding of one another.  

  • The second is based around animals, Artists for Animals, and will cover how to love, respect, and care for our fellow earthlings compassionately and steps that we can make to help out our furry friends, domesticated or wild.  The Memphis Humane Society has been amazing and has agreed to come speak to the kids during one of the class times with one of their dog ambassadors and, in exchange, I'm going to go teach an art lesson at their camp!!!

  • The third is EnviroArt, where we will discuss how we enjoy, treat, and how we can protect the environment and how, creatively, we can make art that is as kind to the environment as it is beautiful and inspirational.  

I'm excited about being with kids again.  I have missed it.  I'm also extremely excited (and nervous!) about having been given the opportunity to lean towards a Humane Education curriculum + Art curriculum in a camp environment.  Let's cross our fingers that all goes well!

In the meantime, I've been working on a couple of other projects as well...

  • I have begun the process of creating my own Art business, starting with stationary and notecards.  Meet Pepper Lou...

I will be updating the tumblr site with current artwork, merchandise, and various other tidbits, so be sure to stop by over there from time to time.  

  • I've also been working on an idea for a side project that I'm *truly* excited about.  Like... super excited/passionate about.  For right now it's simply, "The Green Binder Project".  I'm still working on fully realizing the idea and figuring out the logistics of it, but in the meantime, it's been keeping me motivated when I feel lost and useless.  I'm also super excited about the possibility of accomplishing something as a part of a team, and that's very much essential to the success of this idea.  I've discovered, more now than ever, that I very much enjoy being around people, no matter how socially awkward I may be at times, and, with a project built for the people, working with people to create something great for the community is the kind of work I want to jam on.  We'll see... we shall see...
So, that, in a nutshell is what I've been up to since I last posted.  I'm going to make it a goal to post at least once a week (probably on Monday's).  I may have random posts here and there, but for now I think that's doable.  

Hope you all (whoever may still be reading!) have been doing well!  Until next time!


Jeannie said...

This is so wonderful to read, Megan! I feel like I never see you guys, so I love your blog as a way to connect and feel part of your lives a bit. The classes you are teaching this summer sound amazing!! I am so glad you found a way to get your art/animals curriculum out there! Good luck! I am excited to hear more about your green binder when you are ready to share...

Love you and welcome back!!

John Carr said...

We love you...