Friday, May 24, 2013

Enter: Summertime...

 Every year, after cleaning up my classroom, I get in the car with the buzz of Summer break in my veins.  I never quite feel like I'm on Summer Break, though, until I have a plan of some sort, and this is the first year that I have found myself with absolutely NO idea of what my summer is going to look like.  While this is exciting in some respects, it's also very nerve-racking.  I've felt sort of "caught", recently, if you will... sort of stuck in the mud.  I'm very content with life, and I'm not at all unhappy, but still, that nagging feeling still lingers...

Last year, the plan was to work on illustrations and notecards/invitations/stationary.  We were also planning and saving to move to NY, and trying to build our creative pursuits/skills in preparation for the adventure.  It was a good plan, but I didn't have the resources I needed.  My computer slowed me down considerably and it was so frustrating that one job pretty much did me in.  However, Joey and I did begin a personal project that I began sketching ideas for and still whittle at occasionally when we feel inspired.

In previous years, I took summer jobs, teaching at summer art camps, which were awesome, and totally rewarding, but stretched me thin on the teaching front.

Enter: Summertime 2013:
There is a vast expanse of time before me that I know if I don't use wisely, it will pass me in a blink, and the potential of that time will be wasted.  I don't have any specific goals (big projects) in this moment, but I do have a lot of little things I'd like to accomplish, as well as interests I'd like to explore further.  This morning, before Joey woke up, and while I was thinking about the opportunity and potential for this summer, I made a list of things... a long list of things... in fact, I got to over 30 and just figured, why not go to 50?  So, it may not be realistic, BUT, it'll be fun to attempt to knock out this beast of a list by the end of the summer.  Right? Why not...  Here goes...

Meg's Summer 2013 "50"... (In no particular order)
1. find a home for "Mum" - a foster cat we're searching for a forever home for...
2. change driver's license
3. change car tags
4. change banks
5. clean both cars off/out
6. oil change/fix AC/windsheild fluid/hubcaps/detail*
7. get a new pair of eyeglasses
8. finish Tanzania dresses
9. complete closet project
10. fix blinds in Apartment
11. replace light fixture in bathroom
12. fix dishwasher
13. fix ceiling fan in bedroom
14. thoroughly clean around the apartment
15. frame mirrors into BB's old picture frames
16. re-upholster Annie's chair*
17. clean out refrigerator
18. organize cabinets
19. begin creating a functional "bulk" food storage area
20. buy bags for buying in bulk
21. edit down wardrobe
22. the master cleanse
23. Have the ladies professionally groomed*
24. Hair cut and color
25. Manicure/Pedicure*
26. Find and/or make some throw pillows for around the house (couch, chairs, bed, etc.)*
27. Find new comfortable shoes that are *good* for the feet*
28. New Bra/Bra Fitting*
29. Finish sewing green dress from forever ago
30. Create a "Trapeze" dress to wear around for summer
31. Sew plaid tank/tunic, begin working on plaid dress for Fall
32. Create body form
33. Read at least 5 books:
34. Style bed
35. Style couch/chair(s)
36. return framed Beatles poster to Matt
37. Begin cooking on a regular basis again
38. Take the dogs to the dog park on a more regular basis
39. 30 day vegan challenge
40. Sew/mend all of Joey and I's "need to be altered" clothes
41. Joey's 30th BIRTHDAY!!! :D
42. 3 year Anniversary!!! :D
43. Blog on a consistent basis
44. Begin research
45. Clean out ALL emails
46. Clean off desktop
47. Double Feature Nights
48. Follow the WNBA - choose a team to focus on
49. Exercise more and on a consistent basis
50. Drink more water

Cross your fingers, everyone!  What are your plans for the summer?

*I ended up crossing off a lot of items from the list that I simply transferred to a "Wants" list.  Those things will be on the wish list for future birthdays/Holidays as we're trying to be a bit tighter with our budget.  


Dani C said...

Your list is awesome! GO MEGAN!

Meg Travis-Carr said...

Thanks, dude!!! :D