Monday, May 27, 2013

Meet Mum... or Turbo... she goes by both...

Meet Mum...

Mum needs a home.

Mum is a stray cat that showed up at my parents house and had a tiny little litter of two kittens on Easter morning this year.  At first, she was a little shy about meeting new people, however, once she realized that she had found a safe place for she and her kittens to nest, she began inching out of her shell and slowly revealed the giving, strong, and utterly sweet little lady that she is.  She taught her babies independence, how to hunt, and how to trust those who are there to help.  She proved to be an excellent   Mama cat, which eventually led me to affectionately calling her "Mum".  Joey and our friend Jason have begun to call her "Turbo"... so, really, she goes by both.  Which do you like better?

Mum's two little one's... super precious, super FLUFFY!

After about 7 weeks of nursing, I was able to find amazing, loving homes for the little duo of trouble.  All that was left was to find a home for Mum.  So that she didn't end up in a shelter, Joey and I decided to take her in as a foster until we were able to find a loving family for her to be a part of.

So that I didn't introduce a sick cat to our three ladies at home, I went ahead and got her checked for cat leukemia and heartworms, both of which she was negative for, and then got her vaccinations and got her some de-wormer.  Shortly afterwards, she graced our home and settled in smoothly, with the exception of the occasional hiss from our own sweet feline, Nugget. 

Mum and I chillin' on a Sunday morning.

Now Mum is slowly but surely gaining her strength and beauty back, getting more beautiful everyday.  She is a gem of a cat, and if you or anyone you know are looking for a fantastic pet, then please consider Mum.  She's wonderful.  She's pretty damn cool.

Also, if you've ever wanted to help out a stray or rescue, then check out these resources:

Also, on a side note, it just so happens that Mum's favorite music is by the band Múm.  She's a pretty awesome little kitty... enjoy :)

Múm, We Have a map of the Piano

Múm, They Made Frogs Smoke til they Exploded

Múm, Green Grass of Tunnel

1 comment:

Dani C said...

Beautiful! I wish I could take her... :(