Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday, Monday...

Hey guys!

Sorry about the silence during last week's Wednesday/Friday posts.  Things have gotten very busy in a very non-busy way.  I realize that that makes no sense, but there's been a lot of sorting through things going on over here and I'm doing my best to do it to it.  I'm going to leave that vagueness right there where I put it and revisit it later...  Hope you don't mind.

In the meantime, I need to upload some pictures for future posts, but I do know that one thing is for certain...  this workout video needs to make it into my life very soon...

Also, if anyone has an extra copy of Sweatin' to the Oldies, let me know!  I've been keeping an eye out for it at thrift stores...

Love them both!

I hope you all had a great weekend spent with a gorgeous moon!

Happy Monday!

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