Saturday, June 01, 2013

Feast of Films

Just a handful of years ago, if you had asked me if I would be interested in becoming intimate with film as a medium, I would have probably considered it, but then said no.  My awareness and knowledge of film was pitifully limited (sometimes still is) and, though I enjoyed photography and projects that walked the line between photography and videos collages, I simply couldn't see where (or how) I would ever fit in the time to really focus my time spent becoming acquainted with this magnificent art form.

Then I met Joey.

From basic movies that are imperative for one to see in order to understand simple pop-culture references, to movies that are horrifying on many levels, movies that are impressive simply for the determination and skill in which it took to make the movie, and movies that create such surreal experiences that you walk away more aware of the world surrounding you; Joey introduced me to that world and the spectrum of films that make up the medium.  There are also those movies that are so funny that you don't quite trust anyone who doesn't find them funny.  I feel a deeper understanding and awareness of the world around me because of great films.  Like books, movies bring worlds unknown and both experience and inexperience within reach. We are able to empathize, imagine, explore, and discover with a director and crew.  Movies are magic. 

Recently, Joey and I have decided to have "Double Feature" nights, where one of us chooses two movies that we somehow link together in someway, watch them back-to-back and then discuss them.  I'm pretty excited about it and I've been trying to figure out what my first "Double Feature" will be.  I'll keep you posted.  Also, if you have any suggestions, let me know!  In the meantime, here are some filmy film films...

Recent Summer movies that we loved and recommend:


Upstream Color
Keep an open mind with this one.  It's abstract, but it's fantastic and worth going to see.

Pilgrim Song

Also, because it reminds me of "Stand by Me", I want to see this:

The Kings of Summer

Check out these websites for Independent Films... they're basically treasure maps to explore secret movies that are waiting to be discovered...

  1. Simple Machine - this site is a way for independent films/filmakers to meet various venues in order to show and distribute their film.  The venue could be a local theater or simply anyone who "has the space, an audience blood-thirsty for good movies, and a love of sharing what you discover".  You simply submit a photo of your space, find a movie you would like to show, coordinate a screening, hold the event, enjoy, and then report back with the filmmaker on how it went, share photos with them, etc.  If you're a film-maker, then it works the same way, just vice-versa. ------ Simple Machine is great for the film-enthusiast as well, though.  Once you're at the homepage, click on "browse" and a world of Independent trailers opens up to you.  It may be extremely difficult to find ways to actually view those films, but that's what Simple Machine is for... to find ways to exhibit them for us folks at home.
  2. Fandor -  Fandor is the Netflix for obscure and independent films.  I'm pretty fresh to it, but I plan on exploring further.  You can browse through genres to unearth hidden gems and even discover new flicks with the site's guidance.  What's your mood? There's a movie for that!
  3. NoBudge - No Budge Films is another great site that exhibits Independent Cinema with information and trailers about each film.  The website's main purpose is to promote and support low-to-no budget films.
  4. Hammer to Nail -  If you love watching movies... they've got lots of fun stuff for you to check out.  
  5. Factory25 - Factory25 is a distributor, but they have good reads, trailers, and updates.
Also, whenever you want to read a well thought out review of a film, the writer's at Roger Ebert's website always provide a good read.  Even if you don't agree with a review, you walk away with a broader perspective and more insight into the movie you just experienced.

To Joey:  Thank you for sharing your love of film with me... it is a gift that keeps on giving and my life feels so incredibly full with you and that gift-- and many others-- in it.  

 I've got a list of movies to eventually see (perhaps I'll post it one of these days).  Let me know if you have any recommendations to add!

Happy Friday!


people said...

gah..these movies are like supe boring and toats snoozefestsss..

Meg Travis-Carr said...

... the people have spoken :(

Dani C said...

Yay! Yay movies! I very much want to know what your Double Feature is!